LFUCG Work Zone Intrusion Devices




Represents work zone intrusion warning devices managed by LFUCG for work zone safety monitoring


StakeholderRoleRole Status

Physical Objects

ITS Roadway Equipment

Functional Objects

Functional ObjectDescriptionUser Defined
Roadway Work Zone Safety'Roadway Work Zone Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.False

Physical Standards

SDODocument #TitleUser Defined
ITEITE ITS CabinetITS Standard Specification for Roadside CabinetsFalse
NEMANEMA TS 8Cyber and Physical Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)False

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

LFUCG Maintenance and Construction Personnel
LFUCG Streets and Roads