DDS Data Access Management Functional Area


'DDS Data Access Management' defines the access mechanisms, structures and restrictions for inbound (from providers) and outbound (to consumers) data.

Included In

Lextran Transit Operations Center
Lextran Web Site
LFUCG Traffic Information Website

Functional Requirements

01The Center shall distribute to personal devices data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.
02The Center shall distribute to Vehicles data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.
03The Center shall distribute to other Centers data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.
04The Center shall distribute to Vehicles broadcast data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.
05The Center shall distribute to Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment data which has been validated, aggregated, integrated, and sanitized.
06The Center shall provide metadata parameters (geographic area, data content type, time) as filters for subscription.
07The Center shall provide data consumers with a mechanism for throttling (or reducing) the data they receive as part of subscriptions.
08The Center shall provide data consumers with a mechanism for subscribing to data received by the Center.
09The Center shall provide a mechanism for the operator to modify data subscriptions.