We’re looking ahead to improve transportation in our area!

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) looks 25 years into the future. It’s a guiding document that describes transportation improvements for our area. The MTP is part of how we work to improve mobility, safety, and access for everyone – however they choose to move around our community. It has big-picture goals along with strategies to achieve them. MPO staff review and refresh the MTP every five years. This keeps the long-term plan updated and relevant.

A draft of the MTP 2050 will be available to the public in March. For now, check out the Executive Summary for an idea of what gets covered in the draft MTP 2050!

What’s in the MTP?

The Federal government requires MPO’s like us to have a plan in place for meeting regional transportation needs. We update the MTP every five years. Because the MTP is about long-term improvements, it is important to include trends and issues we expect over the coming years. Some examples include:
  • Walkable/bikeable streets
  • Alternative fuels
  • Electric vehicles
  • Multi-use trails
  • Intersection design
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • …and more!

Transportation improvements covered in the MTP can include things like:

  1. Land use and corridor plans 
  2. Trails studies
  3. Construction projects
  4. Policy changes
  • cyclist in bike lane on roadway

Planning today to guide improvements to Lexington area transportation in the future!

Why is this important?

Transportation impacts so many things in our community:

  • How people get to work
  • Mental and physical health
  • Air quality and climate change
  • Community connection
  • …and more!

Traffic and safety data, employment and population rates, and on-the-ground research are all tools we use to create the document. But public input – your input – is especially important for deciding what the priorities are for improving transportation in our area. Transportation serves everyone in our community. Help guide the future of transportation – send us an email letting us know what you think!