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This meeting will be held online. LexTV will provide a live broadcast.

Live Streaming via Lex TV: https://www.lexingtonky.gov/departments/lextv

Meeting agendas, minutes, and other materialsthis google drive folder

There will be an opportunity to provide input during the public comment period. If you are unable to attend in-person but you would like to address the TPC, you may email your comment to lexareampo@lexingtonky.gov. Please include your name. MPO staff will share your comment during the appropriate agenda item or before the meeting concludes.

After the meeting, LexTV will post the recording here. (Explore past meetings by year, listed under “Other Public Meetings.”)

Our meeting locations are ADA accessible. Translation services, including sign language interpreters, can be provided upon request (with 48 hour notice when possible) at no cost to you. Closed captioning is also provided via live broadcast on LexTV.

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