Looking ahead to improve transportation!
In April 2024, the Transportation Policy Committee officially adopted the updated MTP. You can view the MTP 2050 here. (And you can explore the appendices here.) You can also check out different parts of the plan, and view project maps by category. Take a chance to explore, and let us know what you think. While the official comment period has closed, you can always: 1) email us, 2) write us at 101 E Vine Street, or 3) find us at a public event like Streetfest.
What is our vision for 2050? Here’s a quick introduction. We know most people want more ways to walk and bike, better connections around town, and safer streets. Your input, responsible funding, and other local initiatives help set the vision! Find out more here.
To learn what the public wants for the future of transportation we: conducted a digital survey, attended local community events, held in-person listening sessions, and more. The MTP 2050 reflects everything we heard. Find out more here.
So how will we get there? The MTP 2050 has 6 different goals to guide transportation improvements over the next 25 years. It also describes objectives and strategies to help us achieve each goal. Find out more here.
The MTP 2050 recommends many projects, strategies, and more that will help make transportation work better for everyone in our region. From construction projects to research and analysis, each proposed improvement is a step towards meeting the 6 goals. Find out more here.