Public Notification of Amendment to MPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
View the full memo about the proposed amendment here. Now accepting public input January 31 – February 18. Email MPO staff your comments.
The Lexington Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LAMPO) is conducting a 15-day public comment period about amending one of our our key planning documents. This would be Amendment 2 to the Fiscal Year 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
The proposed TIP Amendment does two things.
1) It moves 13 new projects from the 2050 MTP into the FY 2025-2028 TIP, bringing those projects into the “work phase” of implementation.
2) It adds more funding for 5 projects that are already in the FY 2025-2028 TIP. MPO staff has recommended this additional funding based on a call for projects hosted at the end of 2024. (Find out more about that open call for projects here.)
This amendment is about assigning funds to projects that have already been identified as priority projects.
Here is a timeline for the proposed Amendment #2:
January 29 – Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) members review staff recommendations
January 31 to February 18 – Public comments accepted
February 12 – Transportation Technical Coordinating Committee (TTCC) reviews and makes recommendation
February 26 – Public invited to comment during TPC meeting; TPC members review public comments, recommendations from TTCC and MPO staff, and relevant information. TPC decides whether or not to adopt Amendment #2
New funding requests:
The tables below show the 1) MTP 2050 project ID and project description, 2) work phase to be funded, 3) estimated phase cost, 4) which sub-allocated funding source would be used, and 5) estimated fiscal year for the work phase to start. The first table shows the 13 MTP 2050 projects; the second table shows the 5 projects from the open call.

The Lexington Area MPO is the transportation planning agency for Fayette and Jessamine County. The MTP lists projects for achieving transportation goals in the region over a 25-year period. The TIP is a shorter-term list of projects with a four year timeline. Projects in the TIP are ready for some stage of implementation and also have a formal commitment of funding in the next four years. Any project that will use federal funds or that the MPO considers significant to the region must be included in both the MTP and TIP to be implemented.
Questions and comments regarding this amendment may be directed to the Lexington Area MPO at or 859-258-3167.
You may also mail us written comments:
Lexington Area MPO
101 East Vine Street, Suite 700
Lexington, KY 40507