Bike & Pedestrian Plan Trail Maps Bike & Pedestrian Projects
Communities that are walkable and bicycle friendly have stronger local economies, better air quality, improved public safety and citizens that are more active socially and physically. The MPO continues to support bicycle and pedestrian projects that improve livability and sustainability. There are now 100 miles of bikeways in the Lexington Area. Many sidewalk projects are also underway (see our projects page).
The MPO’s Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) was adopted in 2018. The focus of the plan is building a connected network that is safe and comfortable for all ages and abilities. The plan includes maps and recommendations for bikeways, sidewalks and trails as well as policies, programs and infrastructure improvements.
The MPO’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) provide guidance on bicycle and pedestrian needs and projects in the MPO region. The BPAC is includes citizens and local and state government representatives and is always open to and seeking public input. The committee meets at noon on the first Friday of each month at 101 East Vine Street, Lexington, KY 40507. View our calender.
For more information on current projects and bike / walk initiatives you can:
- Review our Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
- View bike/pedestrian projects
- View maps and other bicycling and walking resources
Contact Scott Thompson, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator by Phone: 859.258.3160 or e-mail:
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Bike & Pedestrian Plan Trail Maps Bike & Pedestrian Projects